The development of an unmanned drone allows for us to send in a drone without threatening lives to man it.

It was cool that the two guys designed something to help another student.
The plane ran completely on solar power.  It flew really slow and looked very fragile.
The seal robot was really cute and cool.  If I was rich, I would buy one or just buy a real animal.  The Pedo Bear rob
The robot featured all-terrain tracks and a gripper.  My favorite feature was that the robot would retrack it 
It was cool to see the size of the robots and how they were able to stable themselves so well.  Everything in the video was quite cool except for the song at the end; that was completely pointless.
We watched a video about a robot that would grab a pole when thrown onto it.  This could e the start of a new type of climbing technique.

We watched 2 videos on robots designed by Boston Dynamics.  One was of a robot called Big Dog that acted like a horse and traveled over different terrains.  The second was of a robot called Petman and shaped like a person.  It was on a treadmill. Of the two, I liked Petman more because it wasn't as scary looking.